• Genealogy of Jesus: Matthew traces the lineage of Jesus back to Abraham, highlighting his royal descent from David. Matthew 1:1-17
  • Birth of Jesus: The birth of Jesus is recounted, including the visit of the Magi and the family's flight into Egypt to escape King Herod. Matthew 1:18-2:23
  • Ministry of John the Baptist: John the Baptist's ministry, the baptism of Jesus, and Jesus' temptation in the wilderness are described. Matthew 3:1-4:11
  • Jesus' Public Ministry: Jesus begins his public ministry in Galilee, teaching, performing miracles, and gathering disciples. His most famous sermon, the Sermon on the Mount, is included in this Gospel. Matthew 4:12-7:29
  • Miracles and Teachings: Jesus performs numerous miracles, further teachings, and parables, which affirm his divine nature and power, attracting many followers. Matthew 8:1-25:46
  • Jesus' Passion: The tension with religious leaders culminates in Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, his trial, crucifixion, and resurrection. Matthew 26:1-28:10
  • The Great Commission: The Gospel concludes with the Great Commission, where the resurrected Jesus instructs his disciples to go forth and make disciples of all nations. Matthew 28:16-20
Revival Times Online
Bible Facts - The Four Gospels
  • John the Baptist Prepares the Way: John the Baptist's prophetic ministry and the baptism of Jesus are described. Mark 1:1-8
  • Baptism and Temptation of Jesus: Jesus is baptized by John and then tempted in the wilderness by Satan. Mark 1:9-13
  • Jesus Begins His Ministry: Jesus begins preaching the gospel in Galilee and calls His first disciples. Mark 1:14-20
  • Jesus' Teachings and Miracles: Jesus' ministry expands as He teaches, heals, and performs miracles, confirming His divine authority. Mark 1:21-9:50
  • Jesus' Journey to Jerusalem: Jesus journeys towards Jerusalem, teaching and performing miracles along the way. He also predicts His death and resurrection. Mark 10:1-52
  • Jesus' Passion: This covers Jesus' final week in Jerusalem, including the Last Supper, His betrayal, trial, crucifixion, death, and burial. Mark 14:1-15:47
  • Resurrection of Jesus: The resurrection of Jesus is revealed to Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome. Mark 16:1-8
  • Longer Ending: Some ancient manuscripts of Mark's Gospel contain a longer ending, which includes appearances of the resurrected Jesus and the Great Commission. Mark 16:9-20
  • The Word Became Flesh: John opens with a profound prologue, declaring Jesus as the Word (Logos) who became flesh. John 1:1-18
  • Testimony of John the Baptist: John the Baptist testifies about Jesus and baptizes Him. John 1:19-34
  • Early Ministry and Signs: Jesus calls His first disciples and begins His ministry, performing His first miraculous sign at Cana. John 1:35-4:54
  • Continuation of Jesus' Ministry: Jesus' teachings, miraculous signs, and confrontations with the religious leaders continue. John 5:1-12:50
  • Final Teachings and Passion: Jesus delivers His final teachings and prayers, and then undergoes His betrayal, trial, and crucifixion. John 13:1-19:42
  • Resurrection and Ascension: The resurrection of Jesus is recounted, including His appearances to His disciples, and the Gospel ends with an epilogue containing additional resurrection appearances. John 20:1-21:25
  • Dedication: Luke dedicates his account to Theophilus and sets out his reason for writing. Luke 1:1-4
  • Birth Narratives: The birth narratives of John the Baptist and Jesus, featuring visits from angels and prophecies. Luke 1:5-2:52
  • Ministry of John the Baptist: The ministry of John the Baptist, the baptism, genealogy, and temptation of Jesus. Luke 3:1-4:13
  • Jesus' Ministry in Galilee: Jesus teaches, performs miracles, and calls His disciples during His ministry in Galilee. Luke 4:14-9:50
  • Journey to Jerusalem: Jesus journeys towards Jerusalem, teaching and performing miracles along the way. Luke 9:51-19:44
  • Teaching in Jerusalem: Jesus teaches in the Temple in Jerusalem and confronts the religious leaders. Luke 19:45-21:38
  • Jesus' Passion: Jesus' last supper, betrayal, trial, crucifixion, death, and burial. Luke 22:1-23:56
  • Resurrection and Ascension: The discovery of Jesus' empty tomb, appearances of the resurrected Jesus, and His ascension into heaven. Luke 24:1-53
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Miracles in the Gospel of Matthew
Miracles in the Gospel of Mark
Summary of the Gospel of John
Miracles in the Gospel of Luke
Miracles in the Gospel of John
Summary of the Gospel of Matthew
Summary of the Gospel of Mark
Summary of the Gospel of Luke